Why train with Kat?
Personal training is about learning how best to train your body for the goals you have. It should never be about how you look to other people.
Kat provides that safe, private place to train without judgement with just the right level of motivation but never a push too far.
Expect sessions to include using free weights, a barbell, plyometric box and body weight. If you want to run you can but you don’t need a PT session to do that!
Weekly PT clients will also have access to the members login, which contains pre recorded Pilates videos and live streamed classes, keeping you on track for your goals outside of your session.
Qualified in:
Personal Training (2011)
Exercise Referral Instructor (2018) - working with specific medical conditions
Pre and Post Natal Qualified (2020)- helping you train through those baby days!
Book an appointment.
Book a PT session with Kat either virtually or face to face.
Virtually - best for those traveling with work, wanting to train in their own home or needing sessions that allow them to keep to child care needs.
Face to Face- best for those learning new techniques, if they have no home equipment or needing physical support and adjustments.
These can be regular weekly sessions or “as and when”.