• Pilates

    Pilates is a low impact, core based way of exercising and is suitable for all ages, abilities and injuries.

    Kat offers one to ones, group classes and pre recorded videos to ensure you "make class".

  • Sports Therapy

    Sports Therapy is similar to Physiotherapy using many of the same treatment methods and concepts. The difference is sports therapy is designed for those who are active or want to be active and uses "movement as medicine".

    Tools used include sports massage, accupuncture, taping, mobilisations and ultrasound.

  • Personal Training

    Personal training is a great way to motivate, focus on goals, work around restrictions in movement and build confidence.

    Using free weights, body weight, TRX, and a barbell you will learn how to best train your body for your goals.

Become a part of KM Membership Site

KM Membership
Every month

This membership gives you the support and guidance you need to enjoy Pilates wherever you are as well as enhancing any face to face sessions.

✓ Pilates videos on demand library
✓ Rehabilitation videos for injuries
✓ Virtual pilates classes
✓ Update your trainer for session recommendations
✓ Connect with other members in the KM community
  • A video library of Pilates sessions you can access at anytime and anywhere. The videos are different lengths, abilities and focuses ensuring you get a session that suits your needs.

    There are also rehabilitation videos which focus on specific injuries or body areas supporting your recovery.

  • Not able to make a face to face class?

    As part of the membership you can zoom in live with Kat to class. Sessions running weekly and listed on the timetable.

  • Be able to share with Kat on how your training is going and get feedback from her on suggested classes or adjustment exercises to include in your workouts.

  • Stay linked with other members using the community board!

    Use this space to share interesting events in fitness, sessions you might want to do, interesting articles and when health and fitness makes the press!

    Add your comments and have your say.

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